Grant Partner:

Feed the Second Line

Feed the Second Line is building community and creating safety nets for residents across New Orleans, ultimately preserving the city's vibrant culture. Through equipping locally owned restaurants with solar energy, FTSL is building a city-wide network of microgrids to offer food, electricity, and a safe place for communities in the wake of intensifying natural disasters.

Tee Williams

Exec. Director, Feed the Second Line

"What really stands out the most to me is how Tee and Devin are super passionate, with a positive attitude that really enhances their mission. It's proof that enthusiasm amongst your leadership is a key ingredient to a nonprofit's success." -Peter Levine

Devin De Wolf

Founder, Feed the Second Line

"LIL has been a wonderful experience for us to build our skills and connect with other change-makers around America. There is a magic in collaboration and coming together in person as a cohort of non-profit leaders. I believe in this as a potential for the future of philanthropy and non-profit change."

- Devin De Wulf, Board President and Founder