Grant Partner:

Southside Blooms

Rebuilding Neighborhoods... Changing Lives.

Southside Blooms fosters bottom-up economic development in the under-resourced Englewood neighborhood by transforming vacant land into flower farms and employing local youths to grow, maintain, and sell their products.

Quilen Blackwell

Co-Founder and President

"It's super exciting to see what they've created. By employing underprivileged youth and helping their community, they're also generating money for an important endeavor. It's a 'win-win'; a new model any modern not-for-profit."

-Peter Levine

Hannah Bonham Blackwell

Co-Founder and Vice-President

"Southside Blooms has benefited greatly from our participation in the Levine Impact Lab! The Levine family's world class business acumen and global network of business leaders has helped to facilitate our organizational growth as our revenues increased by 143 percent in our first year in the program. I would highly recommend LIL to anyone lucky enough to get an opportunity to join this program!"

- Quilen Blackwell, President